
Essential Eligibility Criteria for Participation

For the health and safety of our community, in order to participate in the Achieve Tahoe Snow Sports Program, a participant must meet the criteria listed below.

  • If the participant has had a traumatic injury, or surgery/medical treatments that affected your activities of daily living in the past 12 months, they can only participate with a doctor’s release stating that they have been cleared to participate in high-risk sports.
  • If help is needed with bladder or bowel routine, feeding tube, or administering prescription medications care provider or family member will be present to assist.
  • Participant must be able to breathe independently without any medical devices that sustain breathing.
  • Sit-down skiers weight limit is 185 lbs. Exceptions will be considered if participant is strong enough to transfer down and up about 12”.
  • While strapped in a sit-down ski the participant will unload the chairlift, with assistance, by dropping down as much as 2 feet onto the unloading ramp. In this unloading process, the participant’s hips and back must be able to sustain this jarring.
  • For participants with Down Syndrome, the participant must have been examined by a physician for Neurologic Symptoms of Atlantoaxial Instability, found the symptoms to be absent, and has been cleared to participate in high risk sports.